How Digital Signage Can Be Used In The Corporate Sector

Gone are the days of static signage, even in the corporate sector.

Many businesses and large corporations have adopted the use of digital signage such as LED screens, digital screens and video walls.

Digital signage is now being used in the corporate sector on a mass scale to achieve a number of goals. These include setting the atmosphere of a building, wayfinding, internal communications, company promotional messaging and much more.

Today we’re going to discuss just some of the ways digital signage can be implemented into your business or company along with the benefits of doing so.

Let’s take a look.

In Boardrooms

Boardrooms are the heart of any business. New ideas formulate and come together, goals and wins get celebrated and the team can all come together in some form or another.

A mandatory part of any boardroom layout should be a digital package, whether it’s a large LED screen or AV equipment to assist with communications or client presentations.

Modern digital technology helps to present your business in a positive light. No one wants a digital screen or TV from 1980 when presenting to clients or other business partners. Having modern, sophisticated and innovative digital screens shows you care about your business and making the best impression.

In Foyers Or Reception Areas

Digital screens and LED screens can be used in creative ways to deliver a memorable experience for visitors.

Upon entry to a business, the foyer and reception area can make or break a first impression.

You not only want friendly and inviting staff welcoming guests and clients, but the look and feel of that foyer entry area will also give a positive or negative vibe to those entering.

By utilising digital screens and LED screens, you can creative an inviting space in your foyer or reception area.

Digital Wayfinding Signage

Digital directory boards are the way of the future. No more physically changing or updating details on an old, outdated directory board.

The digital wayfinding signage ensures anyone visiting the building knows exactly how to find who and what they’re looking for.

How You Can Adopt Digital Signage In Your Business

You don’t have to have every type of digital signage in order to get results. Even a couple of small digital screens or one exciting video wall can really make a huge difference to the feel of your business.

The digital signage you install should always align with the overall goals of why you want it in the first place.

For example, if you’re looking to further promote or advertise a new product, an upgraded product or a new product line, a video wall in the foyer or entry area of your building could be a great first addition if you’re new to digital signage.

There is no need to have every kind of digital signage and multiple screens all over the building to achieve this. One simple video wall could create a great communication platform to tell visitors about the new product line/s, getting you the results you’re looking for.

So if you want to take your communication, marketing, advertising and promotions to the next level with digital screens, digital signage and LED screens, get in touch with the team at Aria Digital today!

Aria Digital has got all your digital led signs covered!

Aria Digital. Leaders In Digital Signage Solutions.

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