Digital Signage Solutions and Benefits For All Sectors

The benefits of adopting and implementing digital signage in any business sector are never ending.

Every day there seems to be something new in the technology world – some advancement, some new app or new, faster way of doing something online.

So it makes sense that business practices are following suit – traditional static signage is slowly being phased out for more flexible and engaging digital signage options such as digital LED signs, LED screens and retail display signs to name a few.

It’s attention grabbing and modern.

No matter which sector your business operates, there’s always a major benefit of installing some digital signage somewhere within your business.

Let’s look into some of these key benefits now based on individual business sectors:

Education – Schools, Colleges and Unis

Everyone remembers the good old days of chalk and blackboards and yes, there still is room for these in the classroom.

But one of the key points to mention for the education sector is that with the addition of digital signage, you can communicate and teach more effectively with more engaging content across many platforms.

Notice board messaging can be updated quickly and easily along with digital scoreboards keeping accurate, up to date scores when students are competing in sporting activities.

It can also serve as an interactive sign to communicate with prospective students passing by the school, college or uni serving as a unique marketing and advertising tool.

Retail Stores and Shopping Centres

Digital signage like LED screens within shopping malls and retail stores provides the opportunity to better engage with your customers, improve customer experience and ultimately, sell more products!

Quick Service Restaurants

Digital menu boards in quick service restaurants create a dynamic visual experience for the diner – they are interactive and communicate a clear, up to date and relevant message.

Digital menu boards are flexible meaning you can feature any content you like – videos, imagery and even animations.

Entertainment Venues, Hospitality, Pubs and Clubs

It’s all about creating a good experience for patrons within the hospitality and events industry and many people visit these venues to relax, unwind and have a good time with friends.

Big screens and LED screens help venues to better engage with patrons and provide them with amazing viewing experiences.

Sporting Clubs and Associations

LED scoreboards are all about bringing sporting clubs and associations into the now. Aria Digital uses the latest software in conjunction with digital signage on big LED screens and scoreboards.


When it comes to supermarkets, it’s all about communicating and connecting with customers during the shopping experience.

Digital signage such as retail display signs and digital LED signs create atmosphere, promote specials and educate shoppers.

Corporate, Real Estate Offices and Sales Suites

Digital signage can help set the atmosphere of a building, wayfinding, internal communications and company promotional messaging along with property developers being able to deliver high end digital experiences for clients.

When it comes to real estate, video walls and LED screens can help your real estate agency stand out from the pack with up to date digital signage and engaging content like your latest listings.

Healthcare, Hospitals and Medical Centres

Use internal commercial LCD screens and LED screens to communicate more effectively to your patients, staff and visitors.

Aria Digital serves all these business sectors and more, providing a complete digital signage solution no matter what your requirements.

Aria Digital – leaders in digital signage solutions, serving clients Australia wide.

Get in touch with our friendly team at Aria Digital Screens today, on: 1300 797 220.